Wednesday, 22 October 2008

There is a big building and inside are thousands of young people thronged together. These folk are watching someone on a stage who is saying words relayed through a tannoy.
The words are like gas, like beige, like rustling leaves, like the shadow of a cloud that will pass swiftly on.
No-one will ever remember the words, not even the speaker. This speaker has a job and this is the commencement and execution thereof. The speaker collects symbolical money to feed an actual family, with all the resultant anomalies and strains. With all the absurdity, which the speaker has trained him or herself not to see, not to apprehend too keenly.
The speaker collects symbolical money. Symbolical money is transferred to a symbolical account. The speaker ritually removes some of it, invisibly. The speaker ritually collects actual substances, bestowing them to its children, the fruit of its loins. These children eat wheat and milk and butter and vegetables, soda and chocolate and candy and meat. At some unspecified later date, defecation occurs.
Thus the ritual completes and can be resumed once again, the speaker again taking her place, performing her activity abstractly, and being rewarded with abstract quantities, collecting fibre and protein to once again sustain the organism, to lengthen its life, for obscure purposes, to cast away its waste so that others may sort through it, and be compensated with gaseous quantities of finite invisible credit, descending ghostly like the holy spirit, merciless like the Olympian gods, all-encompassing like Jehovah's reach. Everyone swallows and is swallowed.
My heart does not even rebel; no, i only feel an urgent desire to vomit and weep.
.... but my Angel touches me on the shoulder, and says:
How bout no bosses? No juniors? No symbology? No abstracts? No power?
How bout energy? Violence? Lust? Exhaustion? Joy?
How bout no more co-dependent relationships? No more master and servant?
No more useless activity? No more meaningless toil?
How bout an endless party, full, replete with unbounded love for all?
How bout a new spring followed by an eternal summer?