Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Impressions: indifference.

Impressions: indifference. Space, air. Modernity.
Distance. Music chords. Effect on my glumness, does it appease it? It enervates me. It is a stimulus which i want to reject; it is an irritant. Because to show one's annoyance is fully taboo. And the mistrust of the body is complete; To act is to trust one's body, face, voice.
And to draw sustenance from what is behind it.
Opposition: thin wild mercury. Warm leonine self-assurance.
Saturnine extremism in my corner. Austerity, involuntary and partial.
Till six. Is it a compromise to seem? And then, the competition.
Painful heart murmurs. Youth.

Apolitical noise

Apolitical noise for an apolitical revolution-
Non-factionalised. General... and therefore of the heart.
We are condemned because we associate too much with the past and its mistakes its factions and its limitations.
No race war no class war but a war of the spirit against death... the third millennium... the summer of the world enfolded on the earth. Post-modernism is a maggot on a corpse.

Purge fame, annihilate celebrity. The myth of the great man.
Celebrity makes irrelevant so much. The principle of concision and simplification. Ideas always packaged, a packaged and digestible idea, not an authentic one.
Celebrity, fame is the western distortion, that warps all values and conciliates the masses. Attractive and distracting, a new aristocracy of vacuity and trivia.

my pet (dream)

My pet is a small mammal of some kind, skittish, flighty, furry with a weak back. Pink, wary eyes. Whitish fur, downy and milky. Almost like an overgrown mouse, a cat-size mouse, but with a sorrowful big-eyed appearance, weak and insipid.
A cat's tail, elegantly arching over the back, but altogether not quite a cat. It is too trepidacious, milky-white and pink-eyed, with the skittishness of a rodent. The blank, trusting eyes of a dog, none of the self-assurance of a cat. But a tiny little thing, weak-backed, mewling in the grass as helpless as a kitten. Could easily be trampled underfoot unnoticed. In the front garden, on the open grass, i let it play. It scampers and gambols on to the neighbour's lawn as well, blisfully appreciating no human boundaries.
Very quickly, however, it died. I felt cheated. Like when you win a goldfish from the fair and it dies three days later. Apparently, these things have a short life expectancy. The heart gave out.
At the edge of the lawn almost hidden among the grass i found it, on its back. Like a baby mouse wretchedly stillborn, frozen in a grotesque attitude. The folds of its pink and hairless skin, the body contracted. White, translucent claw frozen in a spasm. Hollow, like the end of a quill.