I am the Great North Sea
The same under the stars
That rolls eternally
Witnessing endless wars,
Never a surge without reason,
No storm worries me,
Only the flood in every season,
Where the waves make free.
Deep, deep down in my depths,
There whispers a joyful sound,
Where the first secret is kept
In a gold casket bound.
Only the song remaining,
For the box has lost its key,
Where all the waters draining
Unite in a symphony,
I am the world's waning,
I am the Great North Sea.
I am the Great North Sea,
Awash with the primal note,
The note of eternity
That God on the waters wrote.
Bound by the rocks and islets,
Yet restlessly wearing them down,
Full of original silence,
In which all the doubters drown.
I am the Great North Sea,
I encompass the world around.