Saturday, 26 July 2014

Metropolis 2

This movie is currently in production. The streets of this Metropolis are the eternal film lot, and you know how things are transformed by having a Hollywood camera pointed at them. That shout of "Action!" begins the ritual; harsh, serious and solemn, one eye always on the clock, the director, a perfectionist, always clenching his fist in anxiousness. Even for the free-form movie, the city as stage, the street as theatre, mysterious director calling the shots (or not)- Who in the crowd is the director, can he be lost among the extras? Is this a movie set? I never heard the click of the clapperboard!
So if your mind gives birth to girls they wander across the screen, appearing significantly on set. The kind of midnight girls that you have fallen in love with too often, in sidestreets, on busses, unsmiling like Animas or secret ideals. The electric Americans who embody the future, and who glide, cool, dark, encapsulating sex and magic, in and out of shot... A goth girl goes by, her eyes electric blue, her nose studded with a diamond...
I want to seize her and bit her lip... It is as though my thoughts have reared themselves up in architecture, and have created cloudy, blooming forms that throng and sprout from the earth, crystal towers and gothic spires, glittering an icy, sharp and triumphant forms, as dark as sex.
This is the Babylon-Jerusalem, where the blood of the citizens is liquid gold, riches pour like vomit from their mouths. My dark scriptures have been printed on crisp white paper, and are being passed among the students. To think that the noble priests are suffering on the corner, and the starving cardinals are moaning, transfixed, trying to summon down God to redeem the earth.

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