Now if only could see the script for this Movie. The dialogue is incredible, completely authentic, for the director (or so he claims) has the power of the Cosmic Recorder of all speech and thought. His claim seems genuine. The actor is given his lines to remember on a daily basis, at least that's the theory.
But this is no clear-cut memorable movie talk, carefully revised and faux-authentic, this is real speech, based on an original improvisatory and never-to-be-repeated performance. The actors have to get used to acting real talk as if they were lines from a movie, real speech with all its umms and ahs interruptions trailings-off and vagaries.
"What was I gonna say? Can you oh never mind..."
"Huh?... Whut?"
I watched and listened once to a group of five kids speaking. If this scene had been represented in a film they would all have more or less taken turns to speak, and delivered their lines more or less clearly, all to the coherence of the plot. In fact, in real life, all of the kids spoke at exactly the same time, continually interrupting one another, all the time competing to chime in the loudest or wittiest, spilling out half-lines and half-words and sounds that were not words and never meant to be words, but merely sounds of assent or doubt, amusement or derision- All of it banal, meaningless, blabbing out stock phrases from TV, incomprehensible private jokes and words. Now it certainly would take an especially skilled kind of actor to recreate this (extremely common) kind of speech, which is really completely fluid, flexible, and insubstantial.
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