Friday, 14 August 2015

The people are having a party

The people are having a party... they elect a leader. The leader begins to abuse his position, for he is marked as "different". All the leaders congregate together and begin to talk among themselves. They see themselves as separate, and are seen as such by the other people.
Over time it degenerates into a "profession". The people cease to decide things for themselves, instead things are decided for them by a professional caste. How to deal with this problem? Where does the power lie? With the people, who originally bestowed power, or with the professional caste, who embody it? What in fact, was the process of transmission, whereby the power was bestowed, granted, and how was it wielded and used? Was it simply stolen by a sort of mafia, using force?
An elite decided to embody power in themselves. They recognised however that the other people would protest strongly or even revolt against this set-up if it was too apparent that the power was so one-sided. They came up with an elaborate solution. They developed, over time, ridiculous rituals to solemnize and lend credence to their authority.
I have always had a problem with Europe and its history because it is riddled with the concept of hierarchy. Which has always seemed to me to have something wrong with it. A truly modern person cannot accept it, it seems wrong, not just unfair but incorrect. Deference to superiors, actual or cosmic...
The gods were imaginary, mental superiors, an abstract hierarchy to complement the actual hierarchy, to bolster and support it. The advent of God merely strengthened this tendency, the diverse gods with their diverse attributes reconstituted in the one monarchical deity, supplied with all their power... As though Zeus had conquered or slain all the other gods, and demanded their obeisance, the servile principle magnified... We bow the knee not variously but as one and to one principle, one authority: the abstract father as higher concomitant to the actual father, the One God monotonously declaiming in turn to Jews, Greeks and Arabs.
The question of redemption was raised:
"Why does God carry out this extraordinary, complicated procedure, making himself his own son incarnate as a man, dying and being resurrected, ascending to heaven, all in order to secure the salvation of mankind? Why not simply enact their salvation, will it, without this preamble?"
The answer:
"The Messiah they spoke about was the people themselves: They suffered and died, they were sacrificed, they were reborn, they will come to resurrect their own dead, carry out a final judgement and establish a kingdom of heaven on earth. They are the anointed ones, the flesh of Christ resurrected in the mass. The father, the son, the holy spirit, all embodied in the people themselves".

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