Sunday, 2 November 2008

Of anything distinct from the world of sensation there is nothing that can be said for certain... hence my sickening uncertainty. I am not even certain of my loves or hates except momentarilly. I am an intermittent revolutionary, i even have sudden flashes of conservatism. But i am neither one nor the other. It is only the primitive type of man that loves wholeheartedly, or can give his passions consistently. But he is also happier, more fulfilled.
Those who have given their lives to an ideal, say a formalised and rigid ideal such as Christianity, are often content and may appear smug, considering themselves of the elect. But their mythology supplies them with a mystical, quiescent satisfaction. A man like me can only yearn for a satisfaction like that, because belief of any kind in absolute certainties is exactly what i find most difficult.

1 comment:

Fless Press said...

You're not alone. Remember though, you chose to create your own meaning structure a long time ago, before you decided to go to art college. I certainly did, although I didn't realise it explicitly. I just knew I couldn't be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher and I couldn't explain why.
Whenever I do wish I had made a choice to enter into one of those structures (as of course one does - I am poor because of my choice and in all likelihood will always be) I have to remind myself of that nearly-unconscious decision. And whenever I feel isolated and defeated because of it I tell myself its a lot more interesting and exciting to create your own meaning structure, your own life, your own work. And I also remind myself there are many, many people trying to do the same, and somehow we are striving to create something really interesting and beautiful and true out of all this shit.
I have to admit I can't be as non-prescriptive and cynical about it as you. I couldn't bear to think that way. Maybe your non-prescription makes you freer? Or maybe my optmimism makes me more practical. I don't know, but I think it's important to talk about. If I don't talk about it I forget, and if I forget I end up envying other people and wishing for a different life. I have to remember this is the only life I could possibly have whilst remaining true tro what I believe (or don't believe) in.