Monday, 14 September 2009

dream in present tense

Im up somewhere high and have been writing a note. In the skyscraper where are set into the floor thick glass panels showing a sheer drop. On one of these i sit and can all too easily imagine myself falling through. No feeling of verigo or dizziness, only a repulsive sensation of fear related to falling which makes me recoil and stand up in confusion.
Outside to a level platform in a shopping mall, again incredibly high up. A motorcycle has somehow become broken loose from where it was chained to a railing and plumeted down several stories to a fast food restaurant. A small girl shows me the broken chain and i look down, hundreds of feet below.
Now im in the city and i see a friend, some blonde girl dark eyeshadowed, but she fails to catch my eye and makes her way down an unknown culdesac, near the confluence of lights where the traffic still sighs even though it is late at night.
I say to someone, "It is intolerable to wait".
(Memory of Preston Lancashire when the woman jumped from the bus station rooftop. I didn't see it but i heard a suprisingly loud crash, and thought someone must've thrown some heavy object, a chair or table, from the roof.)

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