Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Free Jazz/Church of Elvis

I can often gauge how good a record is by the level of complaints it elicits from my family. Ornette Coleman's "Free Jazz" has been a high scorer so far: Two trumpets, two bass, two drummers, a bass clarinet and an alto sax all improvising noisily and simultaneously for 40 minutes. I recently saw a copy of Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" and was sorely tempted to buy it. Just think what havoc I could wreak in my quiet household with a double album consisting solely of endless guitar feedback/distortion! Like "LA Blues" x 10....
I have recently joined the First Presleyterian Church of Elvis. We believe wholly in the spiritual and redemptive powers of rock n roll. Some people used to call rock n roll "the devil's music", but we at the Church of Elvis believe that rock n roll is a sort of Hegelian synthesis of heaven and hell, hate and love, and that its ultimate base, from which it must always proceed, is the heart. 

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