The New School is a large white building with many annexes and blocks of stone scattered about.
Some people see it is a sinister minimalist building, most see it in a practical way, as purely functional, with its white-washed walls and its hospital windows filled with secretive blinds and darkness. M, the student, has after climbing barricades gained entrance to the ground floor, feeling as if he has disturbed a tomb, or an ancient megalith, with all the corridors and stairwells dark and stuffy... He gains access to a long corridor inside, which reminds him, strangely, of a youth centre he attended long ago, all brown counters and dripping taps in cluttered, long-abandoned classrooms. He reaches a long flight of white-painted stairs which are the ghostly, skeletal type of school stairs with steel bannisters. He climbs them slowly and carefully, thrilling to his secrets. He is compelled to attend the Esoteric Drama class high in the building, but its the favourite of his subjects. As he climbs the weary, rickety stairs higher and higher (ascending, it seems to him, farther than he ought to) the walls around him brighten, evidence of a festive attitude begins to appear, there are red lightbulbs and grinning masks, the darkest corners have been brightened and all the cobwebs swept away. He sees another participant arrive, a tall, thin individual covered in a sheet and wearing a huge papier-mache head with bulging eyes and a red, sharptongue mouth, gliding up the stairs, bustling with excitement.
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