Friday, 22 July 2011

The Donkey

In the livingroom sitting on the couch.
My sisters present me with a baby donkey.
It trots toward me, grey and hairy. But someone wraps it in white swaddling, its head protruding.
The donkey seems to take me for its father.
Tries to bite my face and nibble my ears. I see its soft ugly teeth.
-It's a donkey what dyou think it is.
-Seems like a deer to me. Its ears aren't very long.
I caress its short furry ears.
Laughter in the room. Give the baby a carrot, says someone.
The glistening carrot suspended over the donkey's mouth. Its teeth grind and reach for it. The carrot wet with saliva.
As though a baby has been given Bottom's head. Wild struggling donkey eyes.
Like the eyes of a dying horse.
The donkey unwraps itself from its blankets and trots away from the couch. I give up parenting.
-I can't deal with herbivores, I prefer anthropoids.
(A hairy ape would be a more suitable baby).

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