Thursday, 14 July 2011

Roxy Music

On the radio I heard a DJ say "I think the first two Roxy Music LPs are just the best records ever made".
In my room one night, curious about Roxy Music, I decide to seek out their first album. I think it was "For Your Pleasure"? Bored, I nip next door to the record shop. The bored girl and boy behind the counter sell me a CD.
It was £6.25, cheap, but I momentarilly feel guilty about spending money on myself with Christmas coming up. Then I remember I had set aside a tenner for myself.
The CD case is black. One of the songs is called "Dilemma". On opening the CD I see there are two discs inside. I have two CD's. 1st song, says tracklist, is "Young Americans" by David Bowie.

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