As for the respectable members of society, let them be hopelessly selfish and corrupt. Let the politicians be self-seeking. Let them fiddle their expenses, robbing the taxpayer blind if they can get away with it.
Sooner or later the double standard is revealed: The utter selfishness of the politicians. The corruption of the police. The hypocritical, sickening, morally repugnant secrecy and chicanery of the press. For years on end, let short-term profit be the means and the end to cover a moral vacuity. Let the banks become confidence tricksters offering easy credit to all and sundry. For thirty years, systematically kill the industries, and starve them of investment. Float all your profits in speculation in dubious financial markets. When that particular house of cards collapses, solve the problem by drowning the banks in taxpayer money.
Then when the lesson is thoroughly learned and the looting starts, when people unconsciously begin to act out all that has been projected on to them and all that they have absorbed, you can put yourself forward and appear to be the solution. You can use the old tactics and the old language again, without shame; the divide and rule. Those stereotypes will come in useful, they will serve your purposes. Your purposes will be, and are: The maintenance of good conditions for profit-making, at any social cost.
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