Thursday 11 December 2008

Finally end up not believing in the collective unconscious or collective anything. Humanity too diverse and heterogenous. Too much in dreams, too relative, diffuse and personal.
That's how they're best dealt with too; any theory as regards dreams too much like an imposition.
As i get older i more n more distrust theory and systems imposed on life, any interpretation of phenomena not having its basis in the integrity of the self, fully flexible and accomodating, fluctuating according to circumstances. This is "truth" if there is such a thing.
To see the uniqueness of each thing, and yet how it fits in with a pattern with other things like it, not bending things to a rigid rule. See Machiavelli. Byproduct of all this though is an awful uncertainty, a messy unpredictability which might threaten to overwhelm.
To live free of systems, something of Zen in all this.

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