Thursday 14 August 2008

If i could only bring myself to submit one piece of my heart or soul to the process of education. The silly rigours of a timetable, the hatefulness of cafeterias and clammy stairways and dumb study rooms, having to trundle in, wincing under the strain of tomfoolery. Everybody wants to see the disgruntled teen become the happy boy, everyone wants to see him become miracolously popular and confident overnight. Maybe they want him suddenly to forget despair and be pressganged into the pigeonhole of the happy young adult like the kind you see in commercials being cliched and bright in a fun world full of trivia. Your friends and family of course want to see you become happy as larry with the pretty girl on your arm.
It's awful to conform to stereotypes and the most wretched and pervasive of all stereotypes is that of happiness. When you play out the clichéd role of the happy person you'll achieve a fake and fleeting happiness that'll last for perhaps a day and a half, at the most.

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