Monday 29 August 2011

Across the Bridge

Over the English Channel is an iron bridge. And while the legitimate traffic goes on below refugees crawl along the top.
Refugees from France, escaping misfortune or scandal. Running away from a ruined life.
The top of the bridge is all covered with tarpaulin. A thousand feet up in the air.
The refugees crawl along.
A cragged-faced old woman guides a young lady. She has dark hair and is disguised in a shawl and long skirt. She is in banishment and is weeping like a movie actress. At any moment she could drop from the roof of the bridge. She crawls along, cursing and weeping.
After the middle section of the roof has been crossed it begins to slope down. And the tarpaulin becomes transparent plastic sheeting.
The old lady warns her there may be a gap in the plastic. Because of the terrorists.
"Beware of the terrorists my dear", she whispers.

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