I went up there one night... We were going for a "night out". We were in Crosshill, we went in a house.
Crosshill was a deprived area. You'd walk down the streets and half the windows would be boarded up. Tough guys lived there. Walking into Crosshill, Mack gave me advice. He said "If one comes down the street towards you, don't look him in the eye". You'd see these types in their shellsuit bottoms.
The Easeys lived there. This extended family occupied two houses in a street. In one house lived the Easeys proper. The mum was a big fat woman, always in her dressing-gown, she was very aggressive and kind of crazy. She was a big country and western fan. There was a huge picture of Elvis on the bedroom wall.
They had dogs... The house stank.
There were a couple of girls, like teenage girls. One suffered from depression, and was able to take days off school. In one of the houses there was an older guy who lounged about on couches. He was surly, idle, staring always at TV. Occasionally an English guy would show up. This was some relative of theirs. He was scrawny, with white hair and thick glasses. He was kind of a geordie or something.
In the other house was a married couple. They had their TV in the corner... The guy had a moustache. Mack told me one of them had tried to commit suicide. He said it was slashed wrists.
I didn't particularly like the Easeys, and was kind of afraid of them. Their's was an authentic working class milieu. You had the feeling that you had reached a strange substrata of society, where anything was permissible. I never felt exactly threatened, but I did feel out of place.
There was a raucous, anything-goes atmosphere that you would never have got in Mack's house. His parents were warm and accepting but they clung to a certain distance and respectability.
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