Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Written in Spring

I opened the window to the room for a few minutes and the outside air intruding met the enclosed warmth of the room. Condensation crept across the pane...
You can physically smell spring, coming from the west.
I am handing out dollar bills to passers-by I suppose. I got my job in the city, a schedule to meet.
I have been doing my research in reference to my sacred schedule. Drawn up rigidly.
My collection of first editions. I can offer education but one according to strict and thorough principles. I know the big money-brokers and where the parasitic attorneys hang out.
Whenever anyone asks what I'm doing these days, I answer "takin' care o' business". An asinine but effective phrase. All is under control.
Coffee games. Instead of sleep you find a bitter control. Whatever we want, it is not enough.
There is no superior race but there may be a superior mode of thought. Attached for a while to a particular culture or time. "Preferable" is a better word than "superior" perhaps, going from the universal to the individual.
Drawn slime in moron games. Parlour attitudes, motorbike is evensong. Drove us all crazy with his bitchin'. Walkin' behind us, demandin'. All of those awkward demeanours.  Thank the Lord I didn't go crazy.
I am walking out into a vacant spring
Bolstered by fine attitudes
Poor imitation of no thought
- Graveyard blooz.
I could do it again given half the chance.  

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